žiarovka Slovensko

Energy crooks still lure Slovak households ( SITAenergetika.sk)

Last year, the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO) registered 512 motions on unfair practices of door-to-door salespeople. This year, the Office has received 130 motions. URSO warns particularly about the company Slovakia Energy.
Elektrina žiarovka svetlo

Slovakia could see electricity and gas prices fall ( SITAenergetika.sk)

Current energy prices at the energy exchange give space for electricity and gas price reduction. The Regulatory Office for Network Industries, however, does not plan to open a new price-setting process and will let energy suppliers make decision on a possible price reduction.
Elektrická energia SSE elektrina

Začala sa kontrola majetku distribučiek ( SITAenergetika.sk)

Úrad pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví SR plánuje po celom Slovensku vykonávať fyzické kontroly stavieb, majetku, transformátorov, áut či využitia konkrétnych vedení a sietí distribučných spoločností pôsobiace v plynárenstve a v elektroenergetike.