Premier Radicova Paid a Visit to Austria Sunday

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BRATISLAVA/VIENNA, September 13, (WEBNOVINY) – The completion of the nuclear power plant Mochovce will be transparent, Prime Minister Iveta Radicova assured her Austrian counterpart Werner Faymann in Vienna on Sunday. Austria’s irritated reaction was the result of the previous Slovak government’s unilateral decision in May concerning the completion of the third and fourth units of the nuclear power plant Mochovce. According to the then statement of Austria’s Environment Minister Nikolaus Berlakovich, Slovakia made the decision without providing satisfying answers to Austria, while the steps of Slovak authorities did not correspond with interstate agreements. During her working visit to Austria on Sunday, the Slovak prime minister accepted Austria’s objections. She stressed that the safety of the power plant is important for Slovakia as much as for Austria. She made a commitment that all decisions of the Slovak government regarding the plant would be discussed within an interstate expert group and the Austrian government would be informed directly, too.

According to Prime Minister Radicova, Slovakia’s refusal to participate in Greek bailout was not a topic of the meeting with her Austrian counterpart. The two partners devoted attention to the efforts to recover public finances and steps that have to be taken in order to achieve this goal. Chancellor Faymann asked about the prime minister’s opinion regarding taxation of bank profits and financial transactions, as these drafts are currently under preparation in Austria. He also wanted to know about the measures intended in Slovakia in order to reduce the deficit of public funds, informed the Government Office’s Press Department.


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Viac k osobe Iveta RadičováWerner Faymann