Slovak PM to Attend Nuclear Forum in Prague on Thursday

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BRATISLAVA, May 18, (WEBNOVINY) — Slovak Prime Minister Iveta Radicova will pay a one-day visit to Prague on Thursday to attend the 6th European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) under the auspices of the European Commission. Slovakia and the Czech Republic host the event in turns, in cooperation with the EU executive body. It is a gathering of representatives of EU states, the European Parliament, energy companies and environmental organizations, the nuclear energy industry, consumer goods companies, the banking sector and the state, as well as public administration. Together they strive for a responsible approach to nuclear energy, safety of nuclear installations and an increase in the system of guarantees against the abuse of nuclear materials.

Radicova will discuss Slovakia’s priorities with the EC member responsible for energy, Gunther Oettinger, and French Industry, Energy and Digital Economy Minister Eric Besson, namely energy security, development of energy infrastructure and long-term cooperation in energy and the Allegro reactor project, the press and information department of the Slovak Cabinet Office reported.


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Viac k osobe Günther OettingerIveta Radičová