BRATISLAVA/BAUMGARTEN, October 24, (WEBNOVINY) – From now on, Slovakia can also take natural gas from Austria after the firm OMW completed the reverse-flow project at its gas hub in Baumgarten, for about 4 million euro. Half of the sum was provided by the European Commission and the Austrian party covered the rest. As Slovakia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mikulas Dzurinda said at Sunday’s news conference, the project will foster Slovakia’s energy security and the citizens can feel much safer than in the past. Economy Minister Juraj Miskov, also present at the press conference, underscored that the Slovak government had done its utmost for the country’s energy security.
According to the report on securing energy supplies elaborated by the Economy and Construction Ministry, Slovakia will be well-prepared for a potential gas crisis in the winter. The report maintains that the country will have sufficient reserves of natural gas along with contracted auxiliary supplies of gas from November 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011. The Slovak Republic is better prepared for a disruption of gas shipments from Russia via Ukraine similar to the one that occurred in January 2009, reads the report.
In the event of a gas crisis, Slovakia can also rely on auxiliary supplies of gas. The respective contracts were signed between the Slovak gas utility Slovensky Plynarensky Priemysel and energy companies E.ON Ruhrgas and GDF Suez. Based on these contracts, approximately three million of cubic meters of additional natural gas can be provided daily to the Slovak market. If the demand by SPP oversteps this volume, the contractual parties will strive to ensure the additional daily volume for Slovakia’s needs. If necessary, gas from the above companies will be shipped to Slovakia by reverse flow from the Czech Republic.
As of August 15, 2010, gas reservoirs managed by the companies Nafta, a.s., Pozagas, a.s. a SPP Bohemia, a.s., stored 2.65 bcm of gas, which is 80 percent of their total capacity. Gas injection into the reservoirs continues pursuant to operational terms and rules of operators of these facilities and in compliance with demand from individual customers, added the ministry.