The raid code-named Manager concerned the provision of services when the volume of invoiced work compared to reality had been increased by 1,000 percent.
Policajná akcia s krycím menom “Manažér“ súvisela s poskytovaním služieb, pri ktorých navýšenie objemu fakturovaných prác malo dosiahnuť približne tisíc percent v porovnaní so skutočnosťou.
The Police detained the manager of the joint stock company and the statutory representative of one of the suppliers of works and services on the completion of the third and fourth nuclear unit in Mochovce.
The power utility Slovenske Elektrarne, which is completing the two nuclear units in Mochovce, was and is providing full cooperation to the Police without any delay, says a company’s spokesman Miroslav Sarissky.
Slovenské elektrárne, ktoré dostavujú dva mochovecké bloky, podľa svojho hovorcu Miroslava Šarišského poskytli a poskytujú súčinnosť policajným orgánom v plnom rozsahu a bezodkladne.
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority (UJD) will not grant permission for loading nuclear fuel unless all the outstanding work and shortcomings are removed during the extended inspection.