Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini thinks that some companies make never-ending stories of nuclear projects on purpose in order to assure work for the decades.
The company Transpetrol suspended oil imports until the situation is resolved and adequate measures aimed at changing the parameters of oil imports are adopted.
Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini says that all shareholders who commit fraud will face a similar faith as the former top representative of Slovenske Elektrarne who was arrested at the Bratislava airport.
Economy Minister Peter Ziga will try to shorten the delay of Mochovce NPP completion as well as to reduce the budget increase at the meeting with a majority shareholder of Slovenske Elektrarne.
Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini reiterated that his government would not permit to put nuclear units that might possibly pose danger to Slovakia and neighboring countries into operation.
The opposition party Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) may file a criminal complaint against an unknown perpetrator due to a further delay in the completion of Mochovce nuclear units and increased budget.
According to the Nuclear Regulation Authority, Austrian non-government organization GLOBAL 2000 is attempting to halt the completion of Mochovce NPP by any means, including scaremongering.
The Public Procurement Office has initiated legal proceedings in connection with three orders when the Regulatory Office for Network Industries attempted to avoid the procedure for above threshold contracts.
The Slovak Innovative and Energy Agency handed out 490 vouchers for the installation of solar collectors to households outside the Bratislava region in the first round.
The state-owned central heating company Bratislavska Teplarenska was expected to pay more than 9 million euros to the company Paroplyn Holdings Limited at the beginning of the dispute.
Slovenske Elektrarne (SE), which holds has almost a 70-percent share on the electricity market, generated 18,368 GWh of electricity last year and delivered 16,778 GWh to the grid.