According to the information published by Slovenske Elektrarne, the third nuclear block in Mochovce was completed to 93.4% and fourth to 78.6% due to September 1, which represents a progress compared to the data released on June 1.
Economy Minister Peter Ziga says that it is necessary to consider restricting subsidies for the generation of „green“ electricity as the government wants to minimize their impact on electricity prices.
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico considers the consistent energy prices regulation one of the important tools that improve the economic development, industrial competitiveness and quality of household life.
The current management of the economy ministry plans to meet the representatives of Slovenske Elektrarne in Mochovce next week to make a decision about the next steps in completing the third and fourth reactor.
Slovak police increased the number of criminal proceedings in Slovenske Elektrarne. The special team is currently leading the proceeding in seven criminal cases.
It is hard to believe that one-third shareholder still does not know the final budget for the completion of two nuclear blocks in Mochovce a few months before the completion of one of them.
The economy ministry is waiting for an analysis from Slovenske Elektrarne which is expected to give an answer to the final budget for the completion of two nuclear blocks.
The company Zapadoslovenska Distribucna is building new power lines and reconstructing the substation for roughly 7 million euros in the industrial park – the new address of the British carmaker.
Electricity producer Slovenske Elektrarne may quickly say goodbye to its idea to shut down the power plant Novaky. Slovak Prime Minister has promised miners to preserve their jobs until 2030.
Slovakia’s largest electricity producer Slovenske Elektarne is still in talks with state authorities on maintaining electricity production at the coal-fired power plant Novaky.
The 15th Energy Investment & Regulation Conference brings together a high number of professionals involved in the field of energy for a comprehensive overview of the rapidly changing area of the energy sector. The Conference is organized by the Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA), hosted by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries of Slovakia in Bratislava, Slovakia.