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The future of wind farms will be unveiled next year (

The transmission system operator Slovenska Elektrizacna Prenosova Sustava is still working on a study which will set caps limits for the installed capacity of the new electricity sources. The construction of wind farms and large solar power plants in Slovakia has been stopped for now.
Slovenské elektrárne SE

Weekly: What in return? (

Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico wants to sign the memorandum on the option to purchase a 17-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne with both, an old and a new owner. Affected parties allegedly agree. Will the old expression something for something be used in this case?
Atómová elektráreň Mochovce

Enel shows success in Slovakia (

Slovenske Elektrarne, controlled by Italian group Enel, reported its earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) amounted to 789 million euros over first nine months of this year.