Based on the decision made by the director of the Supreme Audit Office (NKU), the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic will also look into the observations from the audit at the power utility Slovenske Elektarne.
While last year the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO) worked with the price of 35.3072 euros per megawatt hour when setting this year’s electricity prices for households, this year it will be almost almost 2 euros less.
The economy ministry is still seeking the consulting company which will carry out the analysis. The name of the consultant should be known at the end of August.
Enel’s Chief Executive, Francesco Starace, said that he would sign the Memorandum of Understanding with one of three finalists interested in acquiring a stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne, by the end of the month.
Currently, electricity producers are charged for the access to the grid for 30% of the installed capacity. According to a member of the board of directors of Zapadoslovenska Distribucna, Marian Kapec, it would be logical if manufacturers paid G-tariff at 100% of the installed capacity which could reduce the price of electricity for consumers.
Companies ZSE Energia, Vychodoslovenska Energetika and Stredoslovenska Energetika dominate electricity supplies and gas utility Slovensky Plynarensky Priemysel gas supplies.
Slovak natural gas carrier Eustream has chosen in the public procurement Munich-based company ILF Beratende Ingenieure GmbH to develop project documents and perform engineering activities related to gas pipeline with our northern neighbour.
According to the Czech daily Hospodarske Noviny, Plzen-based company Skoda JS is in talks with the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne, respectively its majority owner Italian Enel, on taking over the position of the chief coordinator for the completion of Mochovce nuclear units.
The selected advisor will carry out an analysis for the state to assess its possibility to raise its stake in electricity producer Slovenske Elektrarne.
The state has not sent any advisor to the company who would provide a real view of the company in regards to its technical, legal and economic issues, since Italian company Enel officially announced its plan to sell the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne.
The American company Westinghouse Electric Company and eight European partners, including the Slovak company VUJE, have received 2 million euros in funding from the European Union. These funds are to be used for diversification of fuel supply for reactors of Russian VVER.
According to the current deadlines of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic, nuclear fuel should be delivered to the third block of Mochovce NPP in October 2016, which represents the beginning of a physical launch of the nuclear reactor block.
Ukraine has appealed to the European Union over an agreement between Slovak gas carrier Eustream and Russia’s Gazprom, which, according to Kiev violates EU law.
The economy ministry states it would be unprofessional and incorrect for the government to reveal its attitude towards the sale of a 66-percent stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne before negotiations with Italian Enel.
The Regulatory Office for Network Industries has initiated the pricing procedure on its own initiative. The regulator refused to reveal how much gas prices for Slovak households and small businesses will decline.