Transport Ministry in Charge of EU Funds since January 1

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BRATISLAVA, January 3, (WEBNOVINY) — The Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic assumed control over the use of the EU structural funds as of New Year. As of January 1, 2011, its responsibilities were expanded to include tasks to-be-fulfilled by the central coordination authority for EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund in the programming period 2007-2013, informed the department.

The shift of powers from the Cabinet Office to the ministry took place based on the law approved in October 2010. The transfer of competencies creates room for significant synergy among transport, construction, regional development and central coordination of drawing of EU funds that are the main driving factor in the stated areas as well as opportunities for Slovakia’s growth and attractiveness at Europe’s crossroads, says head of the ministerial office Peter Mach.

As of the given date, the ministry also assumed the role of the managing authority for the Operational Program Technical Aid in 2007-2013, the managing authority for the drawing of the Cohesion Fund in 2004-2006 programming period and the managing authority for the Operational Program Basic Infrastructure in the 2004-2006 programming period. The new powers also cover tasks arising from EU laws within the European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation, concludes the ministry.


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Viac k osobe Peter Mach