Electricity generation in NPP dominate in Slovakia

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Atómová elektráreň Jaslovské Bohunice SE
Jadrová elektráreň v Jaslovských Bohuniciach Foto: Ilustračné, javys.sk

Slovakia is still relying on nuclear power plants in terms of electricity generation. The share of the nuclear energy on the total supply of the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne, the only company which operates four nuclear units in Slovakia, increased from 81.9 percent to 83 percent in 2019. Slovenske Elektrarne generated 18,865 GWh of electricity in 2019, an an increase by 1.2 percent year-on-year. A dominant electricity producer in Slovakia informed the news agency SITA that the company supplied more than 17,000 GWh of electricity to the grid. According to the preliminary data provided by the Slovak electricity transmission system operator Slovenska Elektrizacna Prenosova Sustava (SEPS), electricity consumption dropped by 2.3 percent to 30,235 GWh in 2019. The country had to import 1,700 GWh of electricity. The rest was generated in Slovakia, while the two thirds were generated by Slovenske Elektrarne.

Full story in Slovak: Najviac elektriny sme znova vyrobili vďaka jadru, klesla výroba elektriny z uhlia

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