PM Matovic is to seek nuclear allies at EU summit

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PREMIÉR: Opatrenia počas veľkonočných sviatkov
Premiér Igor Matovič počas tlačovej konferencie po zasadnutí konzília odborníkov o opatreniach počas Veľkej noci proti šíreniu ochorenia COVID-19 spôsobeného koronavírusom (2019-nCoV) na Slovensku. Bratislava, 5. apríl 2020.

Slovakia’s Prime Minister Igor Matovic wants to seek nuclear energy allies at the next summit which is to be held at the end of this week. A week ago, the Prime Minister had already outlined his plan to establish some form of a nuclear alliance together with European partners. Matovic will seek alliance, in particular, with French President Emmanuel Macron, as well as the representatives of other countries using nuclear energy. „I do not dread opening unusual topics that have fallen into the dust. After Slovakia commissions the third and fourth nuclear units in Mochovce, let’s hope we will, a substantial amount of our energy will be generated at nuclear power plants. And then they will be looking at us some kind of polluters,“ Matovic said after the government session on Wednesday.

Full story in Slovak: Matovič ide na európsky samit hľadať spojencov, jadrových

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