Power utility Slovenske Elektrarne is to have new managers

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Atómová elektráreň Mochovce. Foto: archívne, SITA/Martin Havran

The new management at the Economy Ministry of the Slovak Republic plans to appoint new managers also to the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne. The ministry has already announced an open competition to fill the posts of the members of the Board of Directors in a dominant electricity producer. All candidates may enrol by July 13. “The selection board, set by the Economy Minister, will be assessing all received applications and documents of individual candidates and fulfilment of certain requirements laid down for potential candidates,“ the ministry informed. The open competition, scheduled for July 28, consists of two parts. The selection board will look at candidate’s foreign language skills and professional knowledge. “The selection board will make a list of candidates who best meet general and professional prerequisites which will then be submitted to the Economy Minister. The decision on the nomination the state representatives in the Slovenske Elektrarne’s bodies will rest with the Economy Minister,“ the Ministry stated. The Slovak Republic has the right to fill three posts in Slovenske Elektrarne’s Board of Directors which has altogether nine members.

Full story in Slovak: Slovenské elektrárne budú mať nových manažérov, ministerstvo vyhlásilo výberové konanie

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Firmy a inštitúcie MH Ministerstvo hospodárstva SRSE Slovenské elektrárne