Sulik expects new NPP in Bohunice start operating in 2040

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Podpredseda vlády SR a minister hospodárstva SR Richard Sulík.
Podpredseda vlády SR a minister hospodárstva SR Richard Sulík. Foto: archívne, SITA/Branislav Bibel

Slovakia did not abandon its intention to develop nuclear power. The incumbent management of the Economy Ministry has not scrapped the construction of the new nuclear power plant. Economy Minister Richard Sulik estimated in the parliament that Slovakia is expected to have a new nuclear installation sometime around 2040. “The new nuclear source will be situated in (Jaslovske) Bohunice, but not necessarily. From 2040, it is set to start supplying electricity and in fact, it will replace the oldest reactor we now have in Bohunice,” Sulik said.

Full story in Slovakia: Nová atómová elektráreň na Slovensku by mohla byť podľa Sulíka realitou v roku 2040, nahradí najstarší reaktor

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Viac k osobe Richard Sulík
Firmy a inštitúcie MH Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR