Christopher Ciccone: Shoes Are An Adventure For Me

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Christopher Ciccone
Brat populárnej americkej speváčky Madonny, Christopher Ciccone počas rozhovoru pre agentúru SITA. Foto: SITA/Marián Peiger

This is not your first time in Slovakia. You have been here in 2009 to present a book Life with my sister Madonna. Has Slovakia changed a lost in past 2 years?

The first time I came here was in 2009 and it was only for one night. I imagine it has changed. Now I finally got a chance to know Bratislava better. I have been to Partizanske and other Slovak cities and I like them a lot. I have already written to social network that Bratislava has become one of my favorite cities.

This time your quest to Slovakia is a design-related. You are going to design rubber footwear and canvas sneakers for women, men and children for Slovak foot wear producer Novesta. Where did this idea come from?

When I was here in 2009 to present a book about my sister, I have met a guy with name Miro Simonic. We became friends and when he was Los Angeles two months ago, he approached me with the idea. He knows I am very creative person. I do not do specifically shoe design, it is a new thing for me and it was a little bit frightening. A new thing, but at the same time an adventure. This is how it started and two months later here I am.

Christopher Ciccone
Brat populárnej americkej speváčky Madonny, Christopher Ciccone počas rozhovoru pre agentúru SITA. Foto: SITA/Marián Peiger

Christopher Ciccone
Brat populárnej americkej speváčky Madonny, Christopher Ciccone počas rozhovoru pre agentúru SITA. Foto: SITA/Marián Peiger
Christopher Ciccone
Brat populárnej americkej speváčky Madonny, Christopher Ciccone počas rozhovoru pre agentúru SITA. Foto: SITA/Marián Peiger
Christopher Ciccone
Brat populárnej americkej speváčky Madonny, Christopher Ciccone počas rozhovoru pre agentúru SITA. Foto: SITA/Marián Peiger
Christopher Ciccone
Brat populárnej americkej speváčky Madonny, Christopher Ciccone počas rozhovoru pre agentúru SITA. Foto: SITA/Marián Peiger

You like to work and experiment with different materials. Can you tell us more about what the collection you are working on?

There is an overall concept that connects things. Because it is the initial line and I am branding the shoes, I wanted to make sure that designs are classic in nature, nothing crazy, I can do that for next collection. For now it’s really based on classic style of shoes, whether it’s wingtips, spectators and that kind of stuff, using materials that you wouldn’t really see. So it is unusual materials on classical shoes.

Where do you get inspiration from?

Everywhere. I go to town and I watch what people wear and what I like. To begin with took out all the shoes out of my closet and tried to pick up what I like on one shoe or another and put it all into my head. I also looked what other people are designing not to copy but to see what the fashion is. Because I want to know what people wear. I don’t to design the shoes and nobody would wear them.

Do you think Slovak shoes can make it to the US and western market?

Absolutely! I don’t see no reason why they wouldn’t. Of course that is gonna be up to marketing, promoting and branding. Ciccone’s name is fairly known, for lot of different reasons, but I do not think that should be a problem at all. I must say I am glad that shoes will be made here as oppose to somewhere else.

Christopher Ciccone
Foto: SITA/Marián Peiger

Your life has been dedicated to design and art. You designed couple well known restaurants in New York and Miami, couple hotels. What does design and art mean to you?

Each of these things means something else for me. Art is overall picture and within that there is design, painting, photography, writing, interior design, shoe design. It really is a need for me to be creative. That is important to me and it does not really matter what is it. As long as I can be creative and be able to create. And of course I am happy if people pay me for that.

You also paint. What is your famous technique and when and what do you like to paint?

It is acrylic. Before it was acrylic on paper, now it is acrylic on canvas. I also like to paint on human body.

Your father is a keen winemaker and owns vinyards in Michigan. You and your family reunite couple times a year and help in vinyards, which is often a hard work. Is that because it is expected of because you enjoy it?

It’s the only time I’m actually doing something. It is difficult to explain but when you are in the vineyard, working on a wine, tying up, picking grapes, it tiring, it’s work but it’s clean work. It’s like you get dirty, you are sweating but if feels clean. And also, you make something that makes people happy.

You have worked with your sister as her manager, directed songs and movies, designed restaurants, hotels and apartments, you paint. Is there still something you haven’t done so far and you plan to or wish?

I would like to direct a film. That is my plan for future. I have directed music videos, short movies and wrote couple of scripts. So hopefully I can do that too. It is about that stepping out of cliff and going to territory you haven’t been before, when you start working on something you haven’t done before. The films will be contemporary, based on scripts I have already written. One is about female bull fighter in Mexico, very dark, Greek tragedy-like, the other one is also very dark, it takes place in California.

Christopher Ciccone
Foto: SITA/Marián Peiger

Your father is Italian, mother comes Quebec. Do you still keep European habits?

My Grandmother and Grandfather both come from Italy, we celebrate Easter for example. Holidays we celebrate in mostly European style. My father is very religious, we celebrate Ash Wednesday, we go to church every morning until Easter. And I think it is a good thing. While I do not practice, I do consider myself Catholic, although I do not go to church every day. Although I do not agree with everything that church does, I think it is right if the person has faith.

Christopher Ciccone
Foto: SITA/Marián Peiger

Is Europe attractive for Americans or it is rather vice versa?

I think there are many positive things about both destinations. If you were born at one continent, you definitely should go see the other and vice versa. If the person has chance to go and see entire world, he or she should take that opportunity.

What is the best way of relax for you?

Martini in a bathtub.

Christopher Ciccone (51) is younger brother of pop-queen Madonna (53). He was invited to Slovakia by local shoe company to desing his own shoe collection. He has not been talking to his famous sister for years because his controversial book he wrote about her, where he revealed spicy details from their cooperation on numerous projects and tours.

For more info you can follow Christopher Ciccone on: twitter @christophercxcan or check

Prepared by: Miriam Šramová

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