The number of the accused has not increased. The investigator from the National Criminal Agency of the Police Corps Presidium has already charged six people.
The state-owned heating company Bratislavska Teplarenska has paid the outstanding principal payment of 9.4 million euros to the company Paroplyn Holdings Limited in order to avoid further interest payments and increase in company’s debt.
Companies Eustream, Snam, Naftogaz and Ukrtransgaz signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at potential cooperation on the Ukraine’s gas transmission network.
The discussion on the amendment to the Act on Regulation in Network Industries was scheduled for the second and third reading at the Parliament’s session in May.
Under the amendment to the Regulatory Act, the appointment of the chairman of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries will be in hands of the government, but the President of the Slovak Republic.
The National Nuclear Fund, which administers funds for nuclear waste disposal, expected to collect 70 million euros from Slovak electricity consumers. Eventually it was 65 million euros.
The company Vodohospodarska Vystavba is currently in talks with the EC’s agency Innovation and Networks Executive Agency about a grant under CEF Energy Program.
The representatives of Vychodoslovenska Energetika call for a discussion about the future pricing. The company is convinced that that public debate in wider circles will reveal the benefits that have been proposed and will help to prepare the market for the new cost allocation.