Bratislavska Teplarenska (BAT) has agreed with the company Paroplyn Holdings Limited to at least unlocking money accounts necessary for the proper functioning of the heating plant.
The company Bratislavska Teplarenska has eventually lost a lawsuit over heat supplies against the company Paroplyn Holdings Limited which is the part of Penta’s portfolio. Now the heating company must pay a sum of 29 million euros to the company seated in Cyprus. This sum is increasing as the interests continue growing. Bratislavska Teplarenska has to reach an agreement on settling a money claim with Penta as soon as possible. Both sides have declared their willingness to reach an agreement. It seems, however, that is not as easy to arrive at agreement as it first appeared.
Full Story in Slovak: Dohoda medzi bratislavskou teplárňou a Pentou sa rodí ťažko