Slovenske Elektrarne (SE) has launched a tender for the supply of nuclear fuel from an alternative supplier. It will most likely be the American company Westinghouse, CEO of Slovenske Elektrarne Branislav Strycek told Thursday’s press conference at the Nuclear Power Plant in Mochovce. The goal is diversification of fuel suppliers. According to Strycek, the tender is almost closed. „At the same time, we are negotiating with Framatome, we want to conclude a contract on the development of a new alternative fuel with it. We don’t want to go from one dependence to another, but we want to have more alternatives for the future,“ stressed Strycek. The Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant currently uses Russian nuclear fuel; its supplies are secured for this year and next year.
American Westinghouse Probable Supplier of Nuclear Fuel to Slovenske Elektrarne

Atómová elektráreň Mochovce. Reprofoto: