Baseload electricity price for households unchanged in 2024

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Slovenské elektrárne, Mochovce
Foto: ilustračné, SITA/Martin Havran
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The price of the baseload component of electricity for households will not increase next year and will remain at 61.20 euros per megawatt hour. It will be facilitated by the so-called implementation contract for the supply of electricity, which the state signed with Slovenske Elektrarne.

Prime Minister Ludovit Odor announced it at a press conference on Tuesday. The prime minister pointed out that the contract could be signed because Slovakia produces enough electricity. „The third block of Mochovce NPP currently is at 96 percent capacity, so it is possible to provide across-the-board assistance to households also thanks to this in this case,“ said Odor.

However, the new government will decide on possible compensation in other components, he specified. „So far, we perceive the drop in prices on world market, which shows that it is not necessary to subsidize electricity prices for businesses or for the government. But the next government can decide what will come next,“ stated the prime minister.

According to Economy Minister Peter Dovhun, the signing of the contract was preceded by intensive negotiations with the European Commission.

„Based on this agreement, Slovenske Elektrarne will supply electricity to Slovak households through the so-called agent, the company SPP under the purview of the Economy Ministry, which will purchase the baseload component from Slovenske Elektrarne at a set price of 61.20 euros per megawatt hour. At the same time, it will supply this power to households through suppliers,“ added Dovhun, who also called on Slovak households to take a responsible approach to energy saving despite the low price of electricity.

Full story in Slovak: Cena silovej zložky elektriny sa nebude zvyšovať, štát podpísal zmluvu so Slovenskými elektrárňami (video)

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Viac k osobe: Ľudovít ÓdorPeter Dovhun
Firmy a inštitúcie: Atómová elektráreň MochovceSE Slovenské elektrárne