Completion of Mochovce NPP allegedly delayed again

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Atómová elektráreň Mochovce
Pohľad na areál Atómovej elektrárne Mochovce SITA

Slovakia’s Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini is planning a visit to Mochovce site to check the completion of the third and fourth nuclear unit.

The completion of the third unit of the Mochovce NPP may be delayed again, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini informed at the European Nuclear Forum. Slovak Prime Minister, who strongly rejected any further delays in the project, is planning to visit the site. “I must say that the deadlines are often missed and the milestones are postponed. The certain number of unfinished work and negative experience with delays cause the concerns and this time also questions whether the set deadline for the launch of the third nuclear unit in November 2018 is real. We are going to visit the site in Mochovce in the following days and listen to the explanations for the delays. We want to find out how secure the project is and when the third unit is launched. These talks will be very harsh,“ Pellegrini said.

Full story in Slovak: Dostavba Mochoviec vraj znova mešká

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