Nuclear fuel loading at the third nuclear unit in Mochovce is scheduled for the first quarter 2019 and the commercial operation for the second quarter 2019.
The completion of the third and fourth nuclear unit in Mochovce advanced moderately also in the second quarter 2017. The power utility Slovenske Elektrarne informed the portal that the third nuclear unit was 97 percent complete at the end of March and 97.7 percent at the end of H1. The fourth nuclear unit was 85 percent complete at the end of March and 86 percent at the end of June. The cold hydro testing on the third unit is scheduled for summer months when all crucial systems are to be tested. Nuclear fuel loading at the third unit is scheduled for the first quarter 2019 and the commercial operation for the second quarter 2019. The completion of the fourth unit is planned roughly a year later.
Full story in Slovak: Dostavba mochoveckých blokov pokročila aj v druhom štvrťroku