Environment Min. disagrees with Sulik over ETS suspension

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Ján Budaj
Minister životného prostredia Ján Budaj. Foto: archívne, SITA/Branislav Bibel.

The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic does not plan to introduce the idea of the temporary suspension of the EU Emission Trading System on European soil. It does not consider the temporary suspension of the EU ETS to be a correct solution for high ​​energy prices. „Such a step would only be possible if all EU member countries agreed to it. The ETS is one of the most effective tools for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Its potential suspension would not bring about the desired effect in the form of energy price reduction in the short or long term, since the price of emission allowances contributes only partially to the final price of energy,“ the press department of the Ministry of the Environment informed. The Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic led by Richard Sulik has a different opinion and regards the temporary suspension of ETS as one of the options to reduce electricity prices in the current situation.

Full story in Slovak: Znížilo by dočasné zastavenie obchodovania s emisiami ceny energií? Sulík a Budaj nemajú rovnaký názor

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Viac k osobe: Ján BudajRichard Sulík
Firmy a inštitúcie: MH Ministerstvo hospodárstva SRMŽP Ministerstvo životného prostredia SR