Eustream to be ready to transport hydrogen from end of 2023

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Plynovod eustream Veľké Kapušany stanica
Foto: SITA

The Slovak gas transmission system operator EUSTREAM prepares its network for transporting renewable and low-carbon gasses. The company plans adjustments that will make its network technologically ready for blending up to 5 percent of hydrogen into the transported natural gas, as early as at the end of 2023. With the current volumes of natural gas transmission, Slovakia will be soon technologically ready to transport theoretically more than 2 bcm of hydrogen per year and thus to accommodate expected gradual increase in hydrogen supply/demand. “So far our key network development priority has been the diversification of routes and building interconnections with neighboring countries. This will be fulfilled once the last missing interconnection – the new Poland-Slovakia Gas Interconnection is completed. In the new phase of the network development, our primary focus is to get ready for the low-carbon economy and support European climate ambitions. Our latest initiative allows us to be soon technologically ready for hydrogen blending up to 5 percent of the volume transported. We believe that this can provide a significant stimulus to promote the development of hydrogen capacities in the region,” said Director General of EUSTREAM Rastislav Ňukovič.

Full story in Slovak: Eustream bude prepravovať aj vodík, spoločnosť však musí najskôr pristúpiť k viacerým zmenám

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Viac k osobe: Rastislav Ňukovič
Firmy a inštitúcie: Eustream