Fine won’t replace removal of support for green producers

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Slnečná energia solárny panel OZE
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MPs Alojz Pridal, Julius Brocka and Juraj Mikus have proposed an ordinary fine instead of removing the annual support for those producers who fail to fulfil their reporting obligations. The Parliament has showed no understanding for their amendment to the Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources.

Producers of electricity from the renewables and cogeneration will continue being sanctioned for non-compliance with their reporting obligations to the regulatory authority and distribution companies. They will lose their annual support for green electricity generated by them. Opposition MPs have failed to convince ruling Smer’s MPs to back the amendment to the Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources. MPs Alojz Pridal, Julius Brocka and Juraj Mikus proposed to impose an ordinary fine instead of stripping the annual support.

Full Story in Slovak: Pokuta nenahradí odobratie podpory zeleným výrobcom

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