The Nuclear Power Plant Mochovce generates more electricity. Even before Slovenske Elektrarne completed the third or fourth nuclear unit in Mochovce, the company raised the output of the second unit. „It generates 7% more electricity without increasing the reactor’s output, thanks to improved efficiency of power plant’s non-nuclear part,“ Slovenske Elektrarne informed. The electric output of the second Mochovce unit rose from 470 to more than 500 MW. The completion of the project at the second unit of the Mochovce NPP is expected to add as much as 225 GW to electricity generation per year which is approximately the annual consumption of 8,000 Slovak households. „And this all happened without increasing nuclear fuel or personnel costs. In the coming years, this will even bring cost cutting in maintaining reliability of the equipment,“ Martin Mraz, Director of Nuclear Power Plant Mochovce, said.
Full story in Slovak: Mochovce vyrábajú viac elektriny, zvýšili výkon druhého bloku