NPP in Jaslovske Bohunice has already generated 260 TWh of electricity

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Jadrová elektráreň Jaslovské Bohunice
Jadrová elektráreň Jaslovské Bohunice. Foto: ilustračné,

In August 1984, the third unit of the V2 Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant was phased to the grid. It has been supplying Slovakia with clean energy, free of direct carbon dioxide emissions, for more than forty years.

The importance of the installation is highlighted by the fact that the two units last year generated more than a quarter of electricity consumed in Slovakia. During its forty-year history, the power plant has generated 260 TWh of electricity.

“Although 40 years is a respectable figure, it is far from being a world record given this type of reactor. We, too, are considering operation for at least a few more decades thanks to quality maintenance, excellent care for equipment, and frequent replacement of stressed components,” said Slovenske Elektrarne, which runs the power plant in Bohunice.

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