Hornonitrianske Bane mines based in Prievidza, which supplies brown coal to a coal-fired power plant in Novaky, also employs Romanian miners.
Slovak mining survives mainly thanks to a so-called general economic interest. Based on this, the economy ministry orders Slovenske Elektrarne to generate electricity from brown coal extracted in Slovakia. Since this electricity production is a disadvantageous business for Slovenske Elektrarne, it must be subsidised by Slovak electricity consumers. They support coal mining with roughly 90 million euro per year via their electricity bills. No Slovak politician who had, or has power, had showed courage to abolish this general economic interest. If the next governments do not make any change, Slovak mining will be supported until 2035. Argument of politicians is simple, but unambiguous. More than 4,000 people, potential voters, who are employed at the mines Hornonitrianske Bane would lose their jobs if this support was cancelled. Slovak mining does not employ only Slovaks. Slovak electricity consumers support Slovak as well as foreign miners.
Full Story in Slovak: Naši odberatelia elektriny podporujú aj rumunských baníkov