PM pledges protection to households from energy price rises

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Saková, Fico
Vyhlásenie predsedu vlády SR Roberta Fica a podpredsedníčky vlády SR a ministerky hospodárstva Denisy Sakovej po stretnutí a rokovaní na rezorte hospodárstva. Reprofoto:
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The Slovak government will shield households from steep hikes of energy price, Prime Minister Robert Fico said after visiting the Economy Ministry. He promised full support to Economy Minister Denisa Sakova in this matter, emphasizing that people and the businesses had been promised help manage their energy bills. He added that ensuring affordable and stable supplies of all types of energy remains his absolute priority.

„We are in very intensive discussions with the various players in the energy sector to ensure the commitments made prior to the elections,“ he affirmed. The Prime Minister is pleased that Slovakia strides toward self-sufficiency in electricity production.

„I believe that the fourth unit will operate in line with the schedule, and will be running at full capacity by 2025. By then Slovakia will be a notably export-oriented country in terms of electricity,“ he commented.

According to Fico, there are currently discussions on the future of the infrastructure surrounding Jaslovske Bohunice, whether to construct a completely new large unit or to proceed with smaller reactors. „I will take advice from experts to determine the course we will take,“ he concluded.

Full story in Slovak: Fico navštívil Sakovú na ministerstve a sľúbil, že vláda ochráni domácnosti pred nárastom cien energií

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Viac k osobe: Denisa SakováRobert Fico
Firmy a inštitúcie: MH Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR