Slovakia’s Prime Minister says that if Italian Enel sells 33-percent out of its 66-percent stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne to a new investor in the first round, the state will apply for the option to purchase a 17-percent stake which would be carried out after completion of Mochovce.
Prime Minister Robert Fico has come back with the idea to raise the state’s 34-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne by 17 percent. In his words, if Italian Enel sells 33-percent out of its 66-percent stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne to a new investor in the first round, the state will apply for the option to purchase a 17-percent stake after completing the third and fourth blocks of Mochovce NPP. Italians plan to sell the half of their stake after completing nuclear blocks.
Full Story in Slovak: Fico chce opciu na možnú kúpu 17 % akcií elektrární