Selection process of the head of URSO to start soon

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Vláda ministerstvo hospodárstva
Minister hospodárstva SR Peter Žiga SITA

The commission which will evaluate candidates for the chair of the Regulatory Office in Network Industries will be formed the next week.

The economy ministry will soon start looking for a new chairman of the Office for Regulation of Network Industries (URSO). The next week, a commission should be established at the ministry with the task to select a new head of the authority. „The commission which will evaluate candidates for the chair of the Regulatory Office in Network Industries will be formed the next week when its members are revealed. The commission will consist of the representatives of the most important employers‘ associations, including AZZZ, RUZ and Club 500, ZMOS and the economy ministry,“ a spokesman for Economy Minister Maros Stano informed the portal The new head of the Office shall be appointed at the beginning of the summer months.

Full story in Slovak: Už čoskoro začnú vyberať nového šéfa regulačného úradu

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Firmy a inštitúcie MH Ministerstvo hospodárstva SRÚRSO Úrad pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví