Slovak households long for solar collectors and pumps

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Slnečná energia solárny panel OZE
Foto: ilustračná,

Some 1,824 vouchers worth 4 million euros have been reserved in the third round of the project Green to Households.

Slovak households have expressed a huge interest in small-scale renewable energy sources in the third round of the project Green to Households.  Thirty minutes after the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) launched the third round, 4 million euros allocated for this purpose have been exhausted. Some 1,824 vouchers have been reserved. Households were most interested in the support for the purchase and installation of solar collectors. SIEA’s information system has registered 744 vouchers for heat pumps, 263 for biomass boilers and 100 for photovoltaic panels.

Full story in Slovak: Slovenské domácnosti túžia najmä po kolektoroch a čerpadlách

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Firmy a inštitúcie SIEA Slovenská inovačná a energetická agentúra