Slovaks stopped switching to another energy supplier

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The overall decline in changing energy supplier is caused by the fact that consumers who wanted to change their supplier have already done it in the previous years, informed the regulator.

Slovak consumers stopped switching to other energy suppliers for now. This applies to both electricity and gas sector, showed data provided by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO). While three years ago, almost 100,000 consumers changed their gas supplier, last year it was only about 50,000. Roughly 100,000 consumers changed their electricity supplier in 2013, while last year it was around 70,000. „The overall decline is caused by the fact that consumers who wanted to switch to another supplier have already done it in the previous years, as well as the fact that in many cases they signed fixed-term contracts and thus cannot change their supplier for several years,“ stated the regulator.

Full story in Slovak: Slováci prestávajú meniť svojho dodávateľa energií

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Firmy a inštitúcie: ÚRSO Úrad pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví