The gas utility Slovensky Pynarensky Priemysel is given a task to elaborate an analysis to assess the possibility of raising state’s stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne. SPP will cooperate with the consulting company KPMG for help.
The name of the company which will advise the state whether it is suitable, or not to raise its 34-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne has been revealed. The state-owned company Slovensky Pynarensky Priemysel (SPP) was entrusted by the economy ministry to carry out necessary analyses to assess the possibility to raise its stake in Slovenske Elektrarne. Consultants from the company KPMG will help SPP. „As it is necessary to evaluate all facts comprehensively, professionally and from several views, we will prepare these analyses with our internal capacities and experts in collaboration with advisors from the company KPMG,“ a spokesman for SPP, Michal Holes, informed the portal
Full story in Slovak: Štátu poradia s elektrárňami plynári v spolupráci s KPMG