State expects 411 milion euros in 2024 dividends from power firms

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Euro, plyn, peniaze, ceny energií
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Energy companies in which the state holds shares are projected to contribute approximately 411 million euros in dividends to the state budget next year, as outlined in the Ministry of Finance’s draft for the public administration budget spanning 2024 to 2026. This draft is slated for approval by both the government and parliament in the forthcoming days.

This sum is slightly higher compared to this year’s estimate of 388 million euros. However, the ministry anticipates a decline in dividend income from these energy companies in the following years, with projections of 264 million euros in 2025 and 221 million euros in 2026.

The Ministry of Finance forecasts the highest dividend contributions to originate from the gas utility Slovensky Plynarensky Priemysel (SPP). This prominent Slovak energy supplier is expected to allocate 291 million euros in dividends to the state budget next year, comprising 131 million euros in ordinary dividends and 160 million euros in superdividends.

Full story in Slovak: Štát by si mal vďaka energofirmám prilepšiť o stámilióny eur, najviac dividend sa očakáva od plynárov

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Firmy a inštitúcie: MF Ministerstvo financií SRSPP Slovenský plynárenský priemysel