Support for installation of Chinese small wind turbine

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Vietor OZE zdroje energií SIEA
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Chinese wind turbine manufacturer Qingdao Greef New Energy Equipment has registered among manufacturers of renewable energy sources which will get the state subsidy.

Producers of small renewable energy sources (RES) are showing an increasing interest in the registration with the project Green to Households. This project enables Slovak households to receive the state subsidy for the purchase and installation of RES. The Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) has even registered the first wind turbine manufacturer. Heat pumps manufacturers show the highest interest in the registration, followed by photovoltaic panel manufacturers. In the third round of the vouchers, which the agency plans to announce at the end of July, Slovak households will be able to choose from over 2,000 heat pumps. More than 800 types of photovoltaic panels have been registered. Households will also be able to choose from nearly 550 registered biomass boilers and over 300 solar collectors. The Chinese company Qingdao Greef New Energy Equipment has registered 3.45 kW-wind turbine.

Full story in Slovak: Štát podporí aj inštaláciu malej veternej turbíny od Číňanov

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