Voices in coalition for recalling the head of URSO

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Robert Fico Holjenčík ÚRSO
Predseda vlády Robert Fico (vľavo) a predseda ÚRSO Jozef Holjenčík. Foto: archívne, SITA

The verdict announced by the Constitutional Court in connection with the charge for the access to the transmission and distribution electricity network, a so-called G-component, should be the reason for recalling the head of the Regulatory Office. The Constitutional Court ruled that this charge is unconstitutional in some moments.

Another problem is likely to arise in the ruling coalition. Gabriel Csicsai, MP for Most-Hid, calls for removing the chairman of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO), Jozef Holjencik, due to the verdict passed by the Constitutional Court in connection with the charge for the access to the transmission and distribution electricity network, a so-called G-component. The Constitutional Court ruled that this charge is unconstitutional in some moments. The chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Agriculture and Environment is convinced that even without starting sanction procedures, the chairman of the Office should take responsibility for the wrong direction and caused damage. „The personnel change should be made at the Office despite the fact that the term of the current chairman expires in 2018 and there are clear statutory conditions for his recall,“ added Csicsai. It is necessary to place much greater emphasis on choosing a professional candidate independent from politicians and lobbyists.

Full story in Slovak: V koalícii sa ozývajú hlasy za odvolanie šéfa ÚRSO

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