The Economy Ministry evaluates work of state managers

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Richard Sulík
Podpredseda vlády pre ekonomiku a minister hospodárstva SR Richard Sulík počas príchodu na zasadnutie Ústredného krízového štábu SR na Úrade vlády SR v súvislosti s ochorením COVID-19 spôsobeným koronavírusom (2019-nCoV) na Slovensku. Bratislava, 23. marec 2020. Foto: SITA/Branislav Bibel

With the arrival of the new leadership at the Economy Ministry, reshuffles among the state representatives in power companies are possible. The ministry, however, does not want to unnecessarily speed things up. “We are gradually evaluating the expertise, management skills and suitability of all state nominees. At the same time, we are assessing the performance of companies. The ministry will take appropriate steps based on the findings,“ the Economy Ministry informed the portal The ministry does not want to jeopardise the functionality of the companies by speedy reshuffles among its managers in the power companies with the state stakes. “Companies are already operating under the restricted mode due to the coronavirus outbreak,“ the ministry said. The Economy Ministry plans to select new state managers in the open competition. “We will announce a transparent open competition if we decide to replace state nominees,“ the ministry emphasised. The new leadership at the ministry also tightened controlling and the Economy Ministry will be making all decisions on spending over 10,000 euros for two months.

Full story in Slovak: Ministerstvo už posudzuje prácu štátnych manažérov, sľubuje výberové konania

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Viac k osobe Richard Sulík
Firmy a inštitúcie MH Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR