Slovenske Elektrarne completed the start-up of the third Mochovce unit after performing the last test as part of the active test phase – 144 hours of proven operation at full reactor power.
Štát a jeho pozícia v energetike sú pre väčšinu programov politických strán kľúčové. Je preto legitímne sa pýtať, čo to znamená pre nás, daňových poplatníkov a tiež pre trh, o ktorom sa hovorí, že je aj napriek pomerne silnej regulácii, stále liberalizovaný a otvorený.
The Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic led by Economy Minister Peter Dovhun wants to prepare the first two so-called „GO-TO“ zones for wind power plants.
The state-controlled company Vodohospodarska Vystavba, which is entrusted the operation of the Gabcikovo power plant, confirmed that a new international tender for the contractor for the overhaul of the Gabcíkovo hydroelectric power Plant would be announced at the end of this year.