The maximum electricity price which the ministry will accept is 84.98 euros per 1 MWh for solar and wind energy and 106.80 euros per 1 MWh for all other types of RES.
Economy Minister Peter Ziga has presented an idea not to pay the tariff for the operation of the system only through electricity prices, but also from the state budget and the sale of emission allowances.
The Public Procurement Office has received two motions and launched an inquiry into the international tender of the general overhaul of Gabcikovo hydropower plant.
The above-average natural gas transport in 2019 can partly be ascribed to customers’ attempts to get ready for possible natural gas shortages from Ukraine.
The Vojany – Uzhgorod gas pipeline is currently used only to 25 percent. Daily natural gas deliveries through the Slovak-Ukrainian gas pipeline amounted to 10 – 12 million cubic meters over the first days of the year 2020.
Sales Director at the company Východoslovenska Energetika Miroslav Kulla informed that more than 20 percent of the customers who decided to switch to another supplier last year felt misled by a new supplier.
Redakcia portálu vám želá všetko dobré v novom roku 2020 a najmä dostatok pozitívnej energie na plnenie všetkých novoročných predsavzatí.
Vianočné sviatky a zimné dovolenky ako každý rok aj tento rok sú už tu. S energetikmi sme sa pozreli na to, ako môžu domácnosti počas týchto dní ušetriť na energiách.
Ako sa na dostavbu Atómovej elektrárne Mochovce pozerá pred koncom volebného obdobia minister hospodárstva Peter Žiga? Minister nám v rozhovore prezradil, ako to vyzerá s projektom ropovodného prepojenia Bratislava – Schwechat, či dôvody pre ktoré nevznikol štátny energetický holding.
Rozkaz znel jasne. Ušetríme, nech to stojí čo to stojí. Hocičo a hocikoho. Ide však o dosť nedokonalého “trhača“ 2.0, keďže akosi pozabudol na zmrazenie cien elektriny.
The power utility Slovenske Elektrarne wants to do everything to start nuclear fuel loading, e.g. the operation of the nuclear unit at the end of April 2020.
The Austrian Ministry for Sustainable Development and Tourism is holding an online poll, asking Austrian citizens if they want the Austrian government to continue fighting for the end of nuclear age.
The raid code-named Manager concerned the provision of services when the volume of invoiced work compared to reality had been increased by 1,000 percent.
The Finance Ministry has not yet finished the review on the preliminary information on creation of legal regulations related to the Act on Special Levy.
The Police detained the manager of the joint stock company and the statutory representative of one of the suppliers of works and services on the completion of the third and fourth nuclear unit in Mochovce.
A Slovak leader in exploration and extraction of the hydrocarbons won the auction and obtained a license for the development of the Vantazhkivske field nearby the town of Poltava.
The power utility Slovenske Elektrarne, which is completing the two nuclear units in Mochovce, was and is providing full cooperation to the Police without any delay, says a company’s spokesman Miroslav Sarissky.
Slovaks are to provide contributions for green electricity to first connected large energy renewable sources and combined heat and power for another six years.